Blind by Greed...
Just a moment ago when buddy send the latest channel news asia article to me... he was convicted... it was all mixed feeling when i see the article...
Sorta pity him a little... but Felt that he was extremely foolish... stupid if I have to put it the crude way... now all his effort has gone to drain... (not like he's those driven sort) but... jail over that little sum of money? It's not worthwhile... I am not saying he's doing the right thing or for that matter agree to his actions but if you are blind by greed shouldn't be a bigger pool of money?
Why would someone even take the risk to be jailed/ fine/ lose his career and future and get stained for life at his prime age over 30K -40K???
It doesn't make sense... Dumbass...
Even if it's 500K, I wouldn't take that risk. If there's any risk that I wanna take, I rather leverage and put the money in investments. At least, the money I learn is faster, probably more and most importantly it's legal. The most I lose is 500K and I go bankrupt... which is not a big deal since I am young and I can easily earn that amount back...
What can I say... I hope he learns his leason.... but even so... it's too much a price to pay...
Good luck to him...
The news article is as below:
(he do look like some convict in that photo... hahaha.. Oppz I shan't be so crude..)