English Lesson
Phrases, Words With Different Meanings
A bed of roses -----pleasant situation
AC DC -----enjoys sex with both male and female
Achilles' heel --- your weakness
Add fuel to the fire ----- making matters worse
Add your two cents ------ add your knowledge to the discussion
A drop in the bucket ----- very small compared to what it should be
Air head ---- a flighty scattered brained simpleton
A bird in hand is worth three in the bush ----- count on the real right now, not on the maybes in the future
A chip on his shoulder ----- Somebody walking around with a grudge
Add fuel to the fire -----just making matters worse
A doubting Thomas ----- Someone who refuses to believe something without direct, personal evidence; a skeptic.
A little birdie told me -----You know something, but don't want to reveal the source of the information
A stitch in time saves nine ----- A small repair may prevent a large repair
Ace in the hole ------you have something extra, just in case
Acid test -----A sure test
A few loose bolts -----a little nutty, not all there
Ants in his pants -----Just can't stand still, can't relax, annoying everyone
Apple of my eye -----a person very precious to you
Armed to the teeth -----heavy armed
At loggerheads -----engaged in a dispute
At the end of his rope - reached or exceeded one's limitations
Axe to grind -----you're about to get even with someone that you are angry with
Back seat driver -----someone who gives unwanted advice
Back teeth are floating -----really have to pee
Back to basics -----start all over again
Back to square one -----Start all over again from the beginning
Bad actor ----one who acts with bad intent
Bad egg -----worthless person
Badger -----verbally attacking someone without allowing a response
Baggage -----unresolved emotional problems from the past
Bagged -----totally exhausted
Baker�s dozen -----more than is expected
Baloney -----nonsense
Balls -----got what it takes to do the job
Basket case ---very unstable person, really bad shape
Bad hair day -----real bad day, nothing going well
Barefaced lie - obvious and told straight out
Barking up the wrong tree - your wrong, totally off course
Be-all and end-all - the ultimate
Beat around the bush -----not coming right out and saying it
Beans -----better than a swear word, not going good
Beat around the bush -----skirting around the issue
Bee in his bonnet ----- has an idea that really gets him going
Beeswax -----none of your business
Behind the eight ball -----in a tight spot, in trouble
Bend over backwards -----go the extra to make it work
Beside himself - person who is very upset
Between a rock and a hard place ----faced with a choice between two unsatisfactory options
Big wig -----important person
Birds of a feather stick together ----- people with similar interests stick together
Bite off more than you can chew -----to take on more than you anticipated
Bite the dust ----- to fall in the agonies of death
Bite the bullet -----accept it, you can�t avoid it
Bite your tongue -----hold your tongue, say nothing
Bitter end -----endure to the end
Blind leading the blind -----one doesn't know anything more than the other
Blind man�s bluff -----a planned bluff
Blow the whistle---- inform the authorities of wrong doing
Blowing off steam -----letting out the tension, that what is bothering you
Blow your mind ------really tax the graymatter
Blue ---feeling a little depressed
Bone head -----not too smart
Born with a silver spoon in his mouth ----- born into goodness
Bottoms up -----drink the whole glassful at once, bottom of glass is up
Bought the farm ----died in action
Bowels of compassion -----feeling for others
Bowl of cherries -----all good, life is wonderful
Brain dead -----not to intelligent
Brain drain -----the brightest people leaving one place, to go to another
Brain teaser -----requires you to think it out
Brain-storming -----a group of people using all their resources, to come up with an answer
Brain wave -----got an idea
Break your heart -----hurt right to your inner self
Bread-basket -----stomach
Break a leg -----do your best, associated with theater performances
Bring down the house -----cause much laughter in the theater audience
Bring home the bacon -----one way or another bringing home the groceries
Bubble and squeak -----spam, canned pork
Buckle down ----- really apply yourself and do the work
Buck up -----pitch in some money
Bug in the rug -----safe and comfortable
Bun in the oven ----pregnant
Built like a brick outhouse -----well built
Bump on a log -----useless
Burn rubber -----full throttle
Burn your candle on both ends -----overworking and not getting your proper rest
Burns me up -----makes me angry
Bury the hatchet -----get over your anger, forgive
Bury your head in the sand -----ignore what�s going on
Business at hand -----get to what needs to be done
Bush -whacker -----attack from behind
Butterflies in my stomach -----feeling uneasy
By hook or crook -----one way or another
By and large ------generally speaking
By the scruff of your neck -----grab someone forceably
By the skin of your teeth -----barely made it, just made it by
By the sweat of his brow -----worked really hard to get it done
Call the shots - take responsibility for critical decisions
Can�t have your cake and eat it too -----you can't have the best of everything
Can�t hold a candle to you -----can't measure up to you
Can't make head or tail of it--- totally escapes me
Can't see beyond the end of your nose ----- not open minded
Cart before the horse -----doing something in the wrong order
Case the joint -----look over the place
Cat got your tongue -----you�re not answering, when asked a question
Catch your eye -----very appealing, something done to make you look
Catch-22 -----situations which end up in vicious circles
Caught with his hand in the cookie jar -----caught while doing something he shouldn't be doing
Caught with his pants down -----caught in the most inappropriate time
Cauliflower ear -----to invert or turn upside down
Caves in ----overcome, give up
Change of heart -----change ones mind about something, a very deep inner change
Cheap skate -----ungenerous
Chew the rag -----discuss various things
Chicken feed -----not worth much
Chip in -----help meet the need, whether financial or physical
Chipper -----person is cheerful and in a good mood
Chop-chop ----- hurry
Chow-chow -----mixture of foods
Clean as a whistle -----very clean, nothing to be found on him
Clear blue water -----smooth sailing, everything in life looks good
Climb the walls -----really out of sorts
Close but no cigar -----partly right, but not good enough
Cock and bull story -----made up story
Cold as hell -----very very cold
Cold feet -----backing down
Come again ----- say again
Connected at the hip -----not connected at the hip, suggesting one cannot read the others mind
Contemplating my navel -----rambling mind, thinking big thoughts
Cool as a cucumber ----calm and unruffled
Cook your goose -----now you did it, you�re in trouble
Cool --- real nice, that�s so in
Cool stuff ------very interesting gadgets
Cow tow -----to be submissive
Cross my heart and hope to die -----a way of expressing your truthfulness
Cut off your nose to spite your face -----
Cute as a bug's ear -----that�s really cute, referring to small things
Dead as a door nail -----not one bit of life left
Dead beat -----going nowhere
Dead head -----not exactly too bright
Dead ringer -----exactually the same
Devil's advocate -----to think like the devil
Didly squat -----nothing, zero, don't know anything
Die is cast -----set in motion, cannot be changed
Digging up the past - looking for past sins in someones life
Do as the Romans do -----follow the customs of the people, where you are at
Doesn't know squat -----lacking in intelligence
Does,'t know which side his bread is buttered on - stupid person, not knowing it's for his own good
Dollar to doughnuts -----you�re really sure of something, almost positive
Don't count your chickens before they hatch -----you might be disappointed, other things come into play
Don�t give a hoot -----don't really care
Don't look a gift horse in the mouth -----to question the value of, even through it is free
Don't rock the boat -----let things remain as they are
Doo-hickey -----thing-a,ma boob, object of which you don't know the name or its purpose
Double cross -----turn against
Down and out -----he really went down, emotionally hit bottom
Down the hatch -----into your stomach
Down for the count -----really hit bottom, lowest level
Down in the mouth ------feeling sorry for himself
drag my heels ---- not getting right at it, no real speed
Draw a bead on -----set your eyes on that
Draw a line in the sand -----set a limit
Drink like a fish -----heavy drinker
Dropping like flies ----- a large decrease in numbers in a short period of time
Dry run -----a test run, not the final one
Dumbbell - someone who doesn't use their God given brain
Dumb cluck -----clumsy
Eat crow -----you said something, you were wrong, now you have to admit it
Egg on your face -----you made an embarrassing mistake and you are found out
Elbow grease -----put more effort into it
End of story -----no more discussion, finished
Eureka -----finally got it right
Excuse my French -----excuse my understanding of this
Everyone to their liking -----do as you want to
Face the music -----you got caught fair and square, now you have to face the consequences
Fair nice ----- that�s pretty good (originated in Cranbrook)
Fall for -----in love, smitten to the heart
Familiarity breeds contempt -----seeing to much of another can cause problems, especially neighbors
fair and square -----everything done up front and right
Far out - that is really cool, really neat
Fast one -----pulled a fast one, cheated
Feather in his cap -----he accomplished that, he pulled it off
Fed up -----just plain had enough
Feeling his oats -----one who has a burst of energy
Field day -----everything just goes so well
Figer ma gig -----thing-a-ma-bob, object which you have no idea what it is
Flesh and blood -----mortal, lives and dies
Floored -----overtaken emotionally, un-expected
Fly in the ointment ----- To spoil a planned event
Fly on the wall -----unnoticed able to overhear others conversation, or see them unseen
Fold up -----overtaken with pressure, cannot complete, caves in
Food for thought -----something to think about
Foot in your mouth -----by trying to get yourself out of a situation, you just got deeper into trouble
Footloose and fancey free - free of any responsibilities
For crying out loud -----now why did you do that, better than swearing
Freewheeling -----carefree
Funny bone -----the humor really got through to me
Funny farm -----institution for people with mental problems
Fuss-budget -----one who worries over things
Game over ----- the end, finished, caught
Get a life -----what you�re doing is really stupid
Get in my hair -----get me angry
Get in on the ground floor -----the starting position, usually a new stock
Get out -----unbelieveable
Get out the wrong side of the bed -----not cheerful
Get real -----what you�re saying doesn't make sense
Get lost -----get out of my sight
Get the drop on -----overcome an opponent, using your smarts
Getting to be old hat -----same as before, over and over again, boring
Gets my goat -----he really irritates me
Gift of gab -----goes on and on, more words without any real meaning
Gilding the lily -----applying the make-up to a women
Give a hand -----Come and help
Give a hoot -----Don't care at all
Give an inch take a foot -----someone taking much more than they are offered
Give and take -----negotiate
Give her the gun -----heavy foot on the gas pedal
Give him the razz -----give him a hard time
Give him the works -----work him over good
God speed - may God grant you success
Go figure -----think about it, makes sense
Go for broke -----risk everything, all or nothing
Go fly a kite -----get lost
Go lay an egg -----I am really fed up with you
Go out on a limb -----take a chance
Go over the edge -----lose sanity
Got guts ------ having courage
Go the extra mile -----do more than what is expected
Go the whole nine yards -----go all the way, complete the task
Go Waan -----are you kidding
Go whole hog -----put everything into it
Gone amuck -----things when very wrong
Gone to pot -----really got out of shape
Gone to the dogs -----really went downhill
Good two-shoes - unbearably self-centered little girl
Go to hell and back ----had a very difficult time
Go to hell in a hand basket -----telling someone off, same as swearing
Go over the edge ----mentally unfit, lost it
Got it for a song and a dance -----got it for next to nothing, very cheap
Guinea pig - first to try somerhing to see if it is safe, someone to try something on
Grapevine -----one person passing on to another what they heard from another
Grasping at straws -----last desperate attempt, try anything
Graveyard shift -----after 12 o�clock midnight
Greek to me -----don't understand any of it
Green light -----permission to proceed
Green horn -----new at it, just getting started
Green thumb ----- ability to grow plants
Groosed out - totally repulsive
Ground floor -----very bottom, starting point of some new enterprise
Gung Ho -----really enthusiastic
Gyp -----swindle, cheat
Had the biscuit - your done, it's all over
Hand and glove -----On intimate terms or in close association
Hand you a line -----talking nonsense
Handwriting on the wall -----things to come
Hang out -----passing the time
Hanged drawn and quartered -----got you , but good
Hard line -----chooses a course and stick to it
Hat trick -----at the last moment to come up with a solution
Have an axe to grind -----grudges to deal with
Head over heals -----really fell for someone
Heave ho -----together in unison, get the work done
Heebie-jeebies -----really unsettling feelings
Hell to pay -----big trouble, cost will be big time
Here�s mud in your eye -----a toast, down the hatch
He's in the dog house -----he's really in trouble with his spouse
High on the hog -----living beyond ones means
His nibs -----sarcastic reference to someone seen as aloof or stuck-up
Hit the dirt -----get down quickly
Hit the hay -----time for sleeping
Hit the jackpot-----best you could ever hope for
Hit the nail on the head -----right on, you got it
Hit home ----it registered
Hit the wall -----reached ones limit
Hitting on all six -----good, working nicely
Hocus pocus -----mumbo jumbo, magical
Hold a candle -----He is very inferior
Hold the line -----can you hold on a moment
Hold your horses -----wait
Hook line and sinker -----fell for it easily
Hook or crook -----in one way or another, by any means possible
Hook-up-----Go on a date
Horse of a different color - separate issuse from the business at hand
How you like them apples -----sarcastic reply about a situation
Humble pie ----- acknowledge one's own mistake
Hunky-dory - everthing is ok
If the shoe fits -----if that is you
I'll cuff you ----I will smack you
I'll bite ----I'm interested, tell me more
In a nut shell - drastically reduced summary
In the bag -----got it made
In the buff -----naked
In the cards -----it as though your future was destined
In the doldrums -----feeling low
In the limelight -----standing out
In the pink ----- a state of well being; good health
In the spotlight -----in a position for all to see
Inching for a fight----- looking to fight
Isn't all it's cracked up to be - something is flawed
Its a lemon -----device with many problems
Jimmy -----make it work with whatever I have in hand
Jump on the band wagon -----quick to get in on a sure thing
Jump to conclusions -----not taking the facts into consideration
Kettle of fish -----that's another matter
Kick in the pants -----opposite of a pat on the back
Kick the bucket -----die
Kid ----- to fool them
kit and caboodle -----the whole thing
Kitty-corner -----across the street, diagonally opposed
Knee-high to a grasshopper ---- very short
Knee jerk reaction -----a quick reaction, without thinking
Knock on wood -----superstition, knock on wood so it won't happen
Know the ropes -----know all the ins and out of it
Knuckle under -----yield, cower or retreat
Lame duck -----not good for much
Lark -----a spree, fun , play
Last ditch -----the last effort to complete something
Learn the ropes -----learn all the ins and outs of something
Leave no stone unturned -----exhaustive search
Legit ----Legitimate, it is real
Let the cat out of the bag -----something said that cannot be taken back
Let�er rip -----full speed ahead
Level playing field -----equal to all
Like a chicken with its head cut off -----no reasoning
Lickety split -----very quick
Life of Riley -----the good life
Light at the end of the tunnel -----things don't look too good right now, but there is hope down the road
Living high on the hog - someone pretty well off
Lollygag -----dragging ones feet, in no great hurry
Look a gift horse in the mouth -----
Loose cannon -----unpredictable, dangerous person
Lose face -----loose respect
Lowdown -----no good bad person
Lower the boom -----you get what�s coming to you
Lump it if you don�t like it -----to bad if you don't like it
Make ends meet -----come up with the necessary funds to meet your needs
Mad hatter -----insane
Make a pass at -----flirt with
Make no bones about -----say it as it is, nothing left to chance
Make a mountain out of a mole hill ----- making a huge issue out of a small matter
Mind your own beeswax-----mind your own business
Monkey see monkey do ----- to copy someone
Monkey wrench -----throw a monkey wrench, an obstacle to stop something
More than one way to skin a cat -----there are other ways to get it done
Motoring ----- really moving
Mumbo jumbo -----nonsense
Mums the word -----don't tell anyone, keep quiet
Murphy's Law -----the worst out of a number of ways that could be
My brother�s keeper -----looking out for your neighbor
Naked truth -----the truth, not holding back
Neck of the woods ----- here, in this area
Nest egg -----money put away
New kid on the block -----a new competitor
Nick of time -----just in time
Nine days wonder -----A novelty that loses its appeal after a few days.
Nip and tuck - life and death struggle
No dice -----not acceptable
No lost love -----never was a love
Not a red cent -----very poor
Not quite on the ball ----not all that bright
Off the cuff -----quickly thought and said
Off the record -----conversation between people, not official
Okay doke -----yes, ok
One brick short -----not too smart
One foot in front of the other -----keep going, slow but steady
On ice -----on hold
On the ball -----knows what he is doing, bright, in control
On the carpet -----in trouble
On the money -----everything perfectly in place
Off the cuff ----without prior preparation
On the cuff ----- on my tab or bill
On the dole -----receiving funds
On the fly ------quickly do something while your in motion
On the fritz -----broken
On the make -----looking for the opposite sex
On the run -----chased, sought
On the spot -----right now, not later
One for the road----- last drink before leaving
One kick at the can -----given one chance only
Open a can of worms -----done something to really cause trouble
Out on a lark ----- done as a joke
Out in left field -misguided or lost
Out of sorts -----not feeling quite right
Out of the red -----have more money that you owe
Over the coals -----severely disciplined
Over the top -----way out of control
Pass the buck -----blame someone else
Pay through the nose -----pay a high price
Pick up the pieces -----make an effort to get ones life straightened up
Pig in the poke -----deal that is foolishly accepted without being examined first
Pipe down -----stop talking, your talking too loud
Pipedream - scheme that didn't work
Play by ear -----make decisions as you go, not following any guide
Pony up - show us your money
Pooped -----really tired
Proof is in the pudding - outcome is uncertain until the task is complete
Pull a fast one -----cheat
Pulling your leg -----making fun of you
Put on the dog -----make out to be someone that your not
Pull a fast one -----do a joke on someone
Pull the plug -----finished with
Pull the wool over his eyes -----fool someone
Pull out all the stops -----remove all hindrances
Pulled it off -----he got away with that
Pure smoke and mirrows -----just not true, more of an illusion
Push the envelope -----see how far you can go
Push my luck -----really taking a chance
Put a sock in it----put an end to it, finish and leave alone
Put my foot in my mouth -----said something that will be hard to get out of
Put on your thinking cap -----use your brain
Put your best foot forward -----be your best, look your best
Put your foot in it -----made a mess of it
Putting on the dog -----making out your high society
Raining cats and dogs -----real downpour
Rain-cheque -----get it later for the same price
Raising Cain -----really stirring up trouble
Ready to fight at the drop of a hat -----any reason to fight
Red handed -----caught, no way out
Red herring -----very different
Red tape -----many legal procedures
Riga marole -----not easy, things have to be done before you can proceed
Right as rain -----predictable
Right off the bat -----instantly
Ring a bell -----bring back to remembrance
Ripped off -----cheated
Rise and shine -----time to get up
Rob Peter to pay Paul -----take from one need to meet another
Rule of thumb -----the normal way of doing things
Rule the roost -----head position over all
Run amuck -----gone out of control
Run around in circles -----not getting anywhere
Run out of steam -----no more energy
Saved by the bell -----just in time
Scape goat -----one picked to take the fall for all
Scatterbrained -----can't keep ones mind on something
Screw-up ---- made a mess out of things
See the light ----- to understand
Sleep tight -----get good nights sleep
Shake a leg -----get moving
Shank�s mare -----using your feet to get around
Shot in the arm ----really get you moving, a stimulus like an injection
Shot in the dark -----to try something anyway, it might just work
Shoot the bull -----have a long chat with a friend
Sitting on the fence -----not making a decision one way or the other
Skeleton in the closet -----past doings that could come to be known
Smart alect - someone too smart for their own good
Smell a rat -----something not right about this
Snug as a bug in a rug -----very comfortable
Son of a gun -----something didn't work out, better than a swear word
Sour grapes -----left a bitter feeling
South-paw -----left handed
Speed bump ---unexpected problem to deal with
Spick and span -----very clean
Spill the beans -----Tell all
Spinning a yarn - exaggrating the truth
Spitting image -----exact ally the same
Start the ball rolling -----first step in getting things moving
Stickler - someone who does everthing exactly, by the book
Stem the tide - deflect a serious problem by facing them straight on
Stop on a dime ----require a very short stopping distance
Straight from the horse�s mouth -----exactally the way it happened
Stiff upper lip -----enduring
Strike a deal -----come to an agreement
Stool pigeon -----tell others about a private matter
Stummed -----can't figure it out
Strut your stuff -----show what you know best
Tail between his legs -----coward
Take it with a grain of salt -----don't take it to serious
Take off -----begone, away
Take the bull by the horns -----deal with it
Taken for a ride -----didn't get what I was suppose to get, cheated
Takes the cake ----- something so extra ordinary, that it overshadows all else
Tat-al tail-----tell on someone
That's all she wrote - that's the end of it
That sucks -----totally lacking, really disappointing
The real McCoy -----the original
Thing a ma bob -----something you don't know what it is, or what to call it
Think outside the box - discard unwarranted assumptions
Three strikes and your out -----no more chances
Thumbnail ----a smaller version of an original
Tickled pink-----really happy about something
Tie the knot -----get married
Till the cows come home -----gone a long time
Time on your hands -----no pressing matters to attend
Tit for tat -----get what you give
Toenail --- temporary nail to hold in place
To strike a bargain -----come to an agreement
To strike while the iron is hot - Act quickly before the opportunity is gone
Toe the mark -----hold the ground
Ton of bricks -----something that really hit you hard, like a ton of bricks
Tongue in cheek -----just kidding
Too many irons in the fire -----taking on to many projects going at once
Took me for a ride -----cheated me
Top notch -----very good
Toot my own horn ----say something good about myself, no one else is
Touch and go -----very critical
Turn a blind eye -----pretend not to see
Two-faced -----says one thing and does another
Two peas in a pod ----very similar
Two thumbs up -----way to go,right on, nice going
Under the table -----payment in secret
Under the radar ----- staying out of public view, hiding out
Under the weather -----feeling poorly
Under way -----got started
Under the wire - another minute and you would be too late
Up a blind alley -----went the wrong way
Up front ----no illusion
Up In the air -----no real decision made yet
Upper hand - one who has the final say
Up to scratch -----in good shape
Up to snuff -----looking good
Upset the apple cart -----cause a commotion
Ups and downs -----good times and bad
Wearing the pants -----in leadership
Wet behind the ears -----not knowing something, new to it
Wet your whistle -----have a drink
When your number is up ------your time to die
White knuckled -----greatly stressed
Willy Nilly -----all over the place
Wise crack -----made fun of, usually sarcastic
Wolf in sheep�s clothing -----an enemy, but purposely made to look not dangerous
Work oneself into lather -----overdoing something, getting into a sweat
X marks the spot -----this is the exact place
Your two cents worth - someone speaks out of turn with their opinion
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