Just not too long ago, there was an increasing number on this popular topic about plastic surgery. Bloggers exchange their views on cosmetic surgery, on how fake or how vain... bla bla bla...I have been reframing to comment on this topic on my blog till some ass-hole pissed the hell out of me… (Nvm who..)
Well, to me it's absolutely fine to undergo cosmetic surgery. I mean yeah natural is beauty, but what if you are not blessed with 'natural' beauty like the hot celebrities or even just to look 'normal' for that matter as compare to your dear frenz.... I can perfectly understand how this group of people feels for I am fitted into that particular category of having out-cast abnormal look... haha...
So needless to say, I am not pleased with my looks but god damn it, I don't have that kinda spare cash to give myself an extreme makeover...
If those of you who still wish to argue, hello, *Knock knock*, you are not us, you don't feel the humiliation, the low confidence that we have to go through... Although I am those minority that step out of my box and survived without having undergo a plastic surgery. I genuinely felt that Cosmetic surgery should be encouraged. Like in Korean, so many people undergo it. In fact, their local government encourages it. Companies set a side a sum of $$ for their employees to go for cosmetic surgery when there’s a need.
I thought this is so Coool… Don’t you think so? I mean seriously appearance is important like I always felt so. You don’t have to drop dead gorgeous but you have to look pleasant, presentable. So if you are not blessed with the born beauty, then you got to work on it. Go for a cosmetic if you have the cash to spare, otherwise at least to build on the grooming and your dress sense... it makes a lot of difference… I mean, seriously I am a good example myself, I am not a babe for sure, in fact if I have a choice I would have gone for the change, but now that I don’t work on other areas to improve. I’m probably still not pretty but I believe at least I’m not un-presentable.
The change in appearance can bring a great change to the person. I do have some friends who have undergone the surgery and their life change drastically. They are no longer the quiet and low self esteem person. They are now more sociable, they have more friends, they simple have more confidence to face the world, their careers start to path on smoothly, so are their relationship.
If it can being such a great change to a person, and notably it’s for the better, then what’s the problem? I don’t see a least problem in someone trying hard to change their life for the better. Not to mention, if you wish to debate further, it’s not their fault that they are born ugly, or ‘handicap’, it’s not their fault that the society reject them based on their appearance. If you really wanna fault someone, fault the society, and fault YOURSELF the one that shallowly chose things by it’s appearance. Everyone does that…search your heart and tell me… if you are to chose between someone better looking and someone ugly assuming all others remain constant, which would you chose? So blame the social upbringing, this is a realistic world, so spare the not so pretty people like myself.
For goodness sake, stop condemning people who has undergone and cosmetic and much worst gossip about it.
Fine, you are going to argue about those that look ‘OK’ yet still undergo surgery, one example is one famous blogger, XXX. I mean so what? What’s wrong? She has the money to do it, probably she feels that she can make herself more perfect, and if after which she would be of a better eye-candy / more pleasing to the eye, then Y not?
So much on that, hope you guys are convince and stop that bitching or gossiping. For you who felt that I am vain, at least I bother to look presentable. At least I work on it. =p
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